Connecting Strategy to Execution
Your platform investments focus on enabling future innovation. There is a formal consideration of a range of measures that are financial and non-financial in nature (e.g. customer experience or accessibility and engagement) as well as strategies and organizational priorities. You optimize your existing innovation strategy and it evolves based on clear evidence of impact relative to local government aims.
Engaging Citizens
Recognition that citizen engagement improves the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals and citizen engagement may be best done through alternative means, such as external partnerships.
Develop an Innovation Culture
Innovation is the cultural norm. An Innovation Office manages initiatives and champions sponsor individual projects. Your team embraces creative service models and partnerships. The tolerance for failure is high and accepted as a prerequisite to advancing and meeting citizen expectations.
Understanding Privacy and Ethics
You have an expanded organizational view on what privacy means and understand the ethical requirements, including the requirements for your partners. Your team is developing intellectual thought leadership to ensure citizen privacy expectations and evolving government regulations are met in an uncertain future.
Develop Creative Partnerships
Your team collaborates at an advanced level, with shared outcomes that drive innovation and transcends organizational boundaries.
Embracing Data and Technology
You embrace data as a strategic asset and leverage cross-organizational data sharing to solve problems. Your team adopts emerging technologies and makes it visible to citizens, with funding delivered through capital budgets and partnerships.